Monday, January 26, 2009

5.1 - Because You Left

The Opening Sequence.

There is so much going on here, it isn't even funny ....

First I note the importance of the woman walking past Dr. Chang as he enters the recording "studio." As if his child wasn't enough, this seemingly pregnant woman would indicate that people were giving birth on the island at this time. Perhaps whatever changed all that had to do with The Orchid Station....

Second, Daniel is there at the foundation of The Orchid Station. This to me is an obvious flash-forward shown out of sequence. I wouldn't be at all surprise if we don't see that situation entered fully until the very end of this season.

And as a side, the record playing at the beginning could be a time marker for our benefit. The tune was easily recognizable as "Shotgun Willie" from Willie Nelson's 1973 album of the same name. But could he be playing the record for the benefit of a young Miles Straume?

The Orchid Station.

This series shows The Orchid Station under construction and after during the time of Locke and Ben's conversation. I wonder what happened to the structure to age or damage it so.... (link goes to vid of Dr. Chang/Candle/Hallowax/Wickmund and orientation film outtakes)

Skipping And Jumping.

These are interesting images that show the now-arrived John Locke with his "Others" flunkies as well as the Losties in their "new" pre-camp surroundings.

Run Kate ... And Take The Kid With You.

What does it take to make Kate run away? Apparently a visit from the law firm Agostini and Norton. Are these goons that Sun and/or Mr. Widmore have put in play?

Symmetry: It Comes From Good Writing.

Seeing Locke duck Yemi's plane ... that mysterious vehicle that brought so much personal tragedy ... man, it about gave me the goosebumps.

It's interesting to think that in that instant, John and the not-yet-dead Ethan Rom were apparently near equal distances from the plane's final landing space.

Fast Food . . . On The Run.

For some reason, Hurley cannot wait to consume more "comfort food." Perhaps this place was simply on the way, but one is left wondering why he didn't hit another Mr. Clucks.

Locke's Bloody Compass.

"It points north, John." How humorously our Mr. Richard Alpert knows 1) where John is, 2) when John is and 3) that John has been shot. Nothing short of miraculous, right?

Could this be the same compass that Richard presented to an adolescent John?

Desmond With Gun.

Daniel's repeated banging finally rouses Desmond, who appears to be following the protocols we've already witnessed.

But Daniel begins to plant a memory, pleading for the lives of those on the island. Desmond is told that he is unique, special and somehow exempt from "the rules" of time travel and the space-time continuum.

Interestingly, Desmond wakes up with the memory appearing as a dream. This is a real-time or concurrent impression made from Daniel in his "when" and Desmond in his. (See Stephen King's "Dark Tower" for more about the "when" concept)


  1. yeeeeees! a LOST blog :o)!!!

    greetings from germany (but somehow i made it to be up to date with season 5 too ;oD)

